Wednesday, February 27, 2008

* Permission Slips

All students attending Bomb-itty of Errors at Syracuse Stage Saturday March 15th, please make sure you bring in your permission slips this week. Those students that do not have their signed permission slips in prior to the field trip will not be able to attend the performance. (Which would be a real bummer, so get them in folks!)


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs.Cjala its me LeAndre, as you know I wasn't there today because of our big performance (we rocked) but I will be there tommorrow alive, present, and in person. Oh yes The Lincoln Players and Chorus brought the house down. And tommorrow we haft to do it again in front of the whole school, but like I said I've done it before many times but I'm not scared. And this was my last performace for Lincoln because that was my fourth play and next year I want to do 8th grade basket ball for Lincoln. My gosh I'am tired, for weeks I have been so busy but I'm not one to complain. So I will be there tommorrow and since there is no more chorus practices I should be on time for kuumba and I hope I didn't miss anything to important today. So good night and I will see you tommorrow. P.S. I so wished that you could have been there today although we did tape the show so I will see if I can get a copy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Cjala its me LeAndre, I just wanted to say that yes they came, we sat down and talked, we read through some of the script, and they even offered my brother to audition for the roll of Calvin. So I will tell you more about it tommorrow but yes I auditioned for Dexter and my brother auditioned for Calvin and we both got the parts. So they scheduled it for tommorrow at 5:30 so I might haft to leave class about 30 minutes early. My mom told me that she did sign for shaperone. And they were here for awhile so I'm still doing homework. Like I said I will talk to you more about it tommorrow but I'm still trying to find time to memorize Luises piece, Ray Ray's piece, Mrs. Green's play, Mrs.Donnases play , and Kasey or casey or K.C. god I should have asked him how or which way does he spell it. Oh I really haft to hurry its late but I will be there tommorrow so have a good night and I will see you tommorrow.